When I first brought up the idea of moving to Spain for a year, Max said, “Spain, that’s crazy, I like San Francisco, we really shouldn’t move.” Why should I be surprised, given that this is the same guy, now 12, who kicked and screamed when we moved just 4 blocks a few years ago, and with a bigger room and an actual yard. He may as well have said with Spain “if you take away the “S”, that’s what I’m getting” (someone must have said this, although before experiencing España). And when I asked Max to write his essay for admittance to school in Barcelona, knowing my strong intentions, he tried negotiating with me (and I have to say I was proud of his skills); “Sure Dad, I’ll be happy to write an essay, but I want an ipad and an iphone.” I didn’t respond and I hope he thanks us later…and we are on our way.